Ecosoc KMC

This blog belongs to the Economics department of Kirori Mal College, Delhi University. Members include all students of the department....its an informal blog.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

How to use this Blog !!

Hi guys.. a lot of people asked me what blogging is all about. Frankly, I have never been a serious blogger. Only posted on professional blogs now and then..

For those who want to know more about blogging, do look up this link:

This link will give you a broad idea of what blogging is all about. Once you start posting (ie. sending messages to the blog), you'll learn the ropes yourself. Its quite simple !!

See, when you want to start a new topic, you create a post ( a post is the message with the bold title). Once someone has posted on a topic (or started a topic), one replies to it/expresses his views by commenting on it (by clicking on 'omment' link immediately at the end of the post).

Thats all for now..hope this catches on.. do write in if you have any queries (for queries click on the 'comment' link immediately after this post ;)....



Blogger tarun said...

ram nam satya hai...
its so confusing to use it...i have still not been able to figure out that where does all the stuff i write,disappears

10/3/06 13:51  

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